Tuesday, 28 September 2010

The 8 Principles To Discover The Existence Of God

1. Whatever we perceive by our senses exits

2. Certainty is obtainable by decisive report as equal to what is obtained by the senses.
For example, we know the Bermuda Triangle exists but have we ever seen it? We know meteorites exist but have we ever seen them? No! But we know it does because we have decisive report.
3. We must not reject the existence of a matter just because we are unable to perceive it by our senses.
For example, a prisoner is locked in a cell. He has 4 view points.
He can see to a certain extent through the windows, but cannot see in the corners. Never the less he cannot deny what he is unable to see. He may see trees through the window, but he cannot see that it continues, but he knows it is there.

For example, Sugar tastes but also smells. We cannot smell it but ants can, hence they ‘run for it!’ Just because we can’t sense it, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t smell!

Example, we know bacteria exist but we can’t see it.
4. Human imagination cannot perceive something beyond reality.
For example, Jannah, Hell-Fire and Life after death. We cannot perceive these through our imagination because it is beyond our reality, but we know it exists.

Paradise and Hell-Fire are impossible to be proven rationally as we cannot perceive it with our senses, hence we cannot imagine it. The only way we know it exists is from divine sources. If Allah never told us about them, then it is impossible to have the concept of Paradise and Hell-Fire.

Example, Try to imagine the ‘Bogie monster’. The only thing you can do is put together previous information you have about bogie and a monster.
5. The comprehension of the existence of a matter by the mind is restricted to time and place.
For example, Britain has a war with Russia. It is not in the UK nor in Russia, nor on land or on water, nor in the air. It didn’t happen last year or any other year. We cannot comprehend this because it is not restricted to time or place.

Example, I come from a country, not from Bangladesh or Pakistan and neither from the UK. Nor from Asia, Europe, America or any other continent. Where am I from? We cannot comprehend until I restrict to place.
6. Believing in God is part of the Human Nature.
For example, Allah asked us before we were sent to this world A-lastu bi Rabbikum ‘Am I not your Lord?’ And we testified Qaalu Bala ‘Yes indeed’. Surah ‘Araf verse 172, (7: 172).
7. Believing in the existence of other life is a direct result of believing in the existence of God.
The fact that we can see other creations is poof that Allah exists. Because who created them?
8. Man by his nature is limited, weak and needy.
We have the attributes of a creation. All creations are limited, weak and needy.

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