Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Hands off Muslim Honor

The decline of nations and the decline of people is not due to their material weakness or strength nor is it due to their shortage of military capability, as some foolish or shallow people might think, because nations do not revive except by Allah (SWT)'s permission through standing firm for what they believe and for their moral values. In fact all the messages Allah (SWT) sent to mankind came for one purpose; to submit to him exclusively, to abide by all his commands and refrain from all that he has forbidden in order for the moral values, which almighty Allah (SWT) has obliged upon us, to be maintained in belief and in behavior and for them to prevail. These moral values are our strength, after Tawheed-Allah and total submission to almighty Allah (SWT) exclusively. For the Messenger Muhammad (saw) said:

‘ I have been sent with this message to perfect and to complete the values '
Indeed the divine and perfect values are a weapon that will make every enemy weak and collapse before them when a society is strict in it's system of moral values and behavior and which cares about the dignity of the individuals in the society, for the sake of pleasing Allah (SWT), such that people can incline towards these perfect values and challenge all the societies instincts and desires with them. This society will be straight in the way of Haq, firm, elevated, dignified and revived.

The divine and moral values are not something you can earn by reading and writing nor by preaching or listening, rather they are a step which we cannot achieve except with the blessing of Allah (SWT), his guidance and mercy; who ordered us to nurture our children to have Islamic mentality and firm will, following divine moral measurements which control the behavior. One of these moral measurements is a topic which has been mentioned in the hadith of the Messenger Muhammad (saw) known as the hadith of Gheerah (i.e. jealousy) of the honor and protection of the sanctities. Verily every wise, honorable and decent person cannot accept less than to have his honor the subject of praise and elevated and he is always keen to keep his honor sanctified and protected with no one speaking against it or polluting it.

Further, the one who is upright is the one who is keen about his honor and spends everything to protect his wife and children, to preserve their sanctity, to reject anyone who humiliates them or speaks ill about them and is willing to spend all his wealth to shut the mouths of those who could put his honor down. Therefore the gheerah is what Allah (SWT) established in the servant from spiritual strength in order to protect his honor and the honor of his mahaarem i.e. female relatives, from any criminals or intruders. This is why the gheerah in Islam is a praised character and protecting it a legitimate form of Jihad, on the saying of the Messenger Muhammad (saw), collected in Bukhari and Muslim:

‘ Allah (SWT) is Ya-Ghaar and verily the Mu'min is Ya-Ghaar and the gheerah is that a mu'min does what Allah (SWT) has forbidden him to do '

And it is a legitimate form of Jihad because the Messenger Muhammad (saw) said, as reported in Tirmizi,

‘ Whoever dies defending his family (i.e. wife, mother, sister or children etc…) is a martyr' and elsewhere ‘whoever dies defending his honor is a martyr '

For this reason the gheerah is opposite to Dayaathah and Al-Ghayoun i.e. the one who has this gheerah, is opposite to Dayouth who does not care about the honor of his family and has no gheerah for them. For this reason the man who has gheerah puts his life in danger and exhausts utmost effort and he may even put himself in front of all the arrows of death when he finds anyone insulting his honor, to the extent that if he stops the gheerah upon his family he will go down from the level of human to the level of the worst animal who does not care about his honor e.g. the pigs.

Imam Ibn Qayyim (ra) said

‘ If the gheerah has left the heart, the whole Deen has left '

For this reason the companions of the Messenger Muhammad (saw) were the strongest people in gheerah upon their honor, it is reported from the Messenger Muhammad (saw), in Bukhari and Muslim, that once he (saw) said to his companions:

‘If a person enters upon his family and finds what is not pleasant (maa ureebu) he will bring fourth four witnesses to testify' then Saad Bin Ubaadah (ra) stood up shocked and said ‘Ya Rasoul Allah, do I enter upon my family and find something bad and wait for four witnesses? No, by the one who sent you with the truth, if I found anything wrong with my family I would remove the head from the body and I will hit with the sword without any mercy and let Allah (SWT) do with me after that as he wishes' here the Messenger Muhammad (saw) said to the companions ‘Are you surprised with the jealousy of Saad? By Allah (SWT), I am more jealous than him and Allah (SWT) is more jealous than me and because of the jealousy of Allah (SWT) he has forbidden all unlawful intimate relations whether prevailed or hidden'

Therefore whoever misses the gheerah, misses the purity of life and he becomes lower than animals because no one will be praised for the jealousy over his honor except the honorable man and honorable woman, verily the pure life needs the effort of the good people and the dirty life has an easy way and takes you lower and lower. This is why the Jannah has been surrounded by what people dislike but the hellfire has been surrounded by the desires.

It is for this reason that Islam makes the Hijaab (i.e. the covering of the woman or the Khimaar and Jilbab) a great motive to enhance the jealousy of the Muslim upon his mahaarem and to be protective so that no one will reach them or attack them. Verily the Hijaab is a great motive to inherit lofty values and character, both among parents and children. Jealousy of a woman over her honor and upon her husband is a praised one, jealousy of the parents upon their daughters is a praised one, jealousy of the believers upon other believers not to be attacked in any form or shape is a praised one. Hence the good Muslim woman will be hurt and wounded and she will feel that her respect has been wounded and her purity attacked whenever a foreign man looks at her. Therefore Islam has blocked any way which could lead to affect the covering and lead to the Dayaatha and carelessness about the honor and the aworah.

It has been collected in Musnad of Imaam Ahmed, in Vol 15 at p118 that the Messenger Muhammad (saw) said, as reported from Abu Hurairah, that

‘Allah (SWT) will never accept the salaat of any woman who wears perfume whilst going to the mosque, unless she washes from it the way she washes from the janabah (i.e. the big ritual impurity)'
Looking deeply at this hadith we can see that the Messenger Muhammad (saw) was so harsh with any woman wearing perfume and coming out of her home, even if she is going to the mosque to worship Allah (SWT), so much so that her salat will never be accepted unless she takes a shower like the shower for janabah, in order for all the signs of perfume to be removed from her body and so that her honor is not affected.

The lesson we take from this is that Islam wants the Muslim to feel jealous from the perfume of his wife to be smelt by anyone, let alone for anyone to see what the women show nowadays from her body; wearing tight trousers or tight t-shirts and some covering their heads whilst wearing miniskirts! And what about those women who claim to attribute themselves to Islam, whether or not they cover their heads, whilst dazzling themselves for others and whose men help them to come out with their dress in full violation of the sanctity of Almighty Allah (SWT) and His Messenger Muhammad (saw). Some so-called Muslims even claim that there is no harm for women to expose their bodies and beauty and to free mix with men in the market or places of entertainment, of fujoor and of desire or for women to smoke in the streets, to use the hubble-bubble or cigarettes or to spread her legs and ride the bike the way that men do. Moreover some so-called Shayoukh say that Islam does not forbid women to enjoy themselves in public places, as long as it is not a night club or so that they can travel in ‘missions' which they claim to be e.g. scientific or educational etc… Further we see women nowadays exposing their heads, others their chests bringing their t-shirts down to show their cleavage and others their stomachs, some show their backs and others their upper arms and if they wear clothes they are so tight or small that they cover hardly anything at all.

We see all of this in the days of Ramadhan. The women's men have no shame nor do the men who have authority over them have any shame, they look like men but are in fact Dayouth i.e. pigs. The question will then obviously rise; are these men and women Muslims?

Dear Muslim brothers, unfortunately with all this pain in our hearts, what can we say about a civilisation which came from the West and which slaughtered the honor openly and publicly and buried it live. To the extent that we start to read in any free door to door newspaper or magazine; adverts for girls or men as escorts, advertising themselves or advertising how to increase the size of the breasts etc… further still you see men and women involved in many unlawful sexual acts when they hug, kiss and grab each other in front of other people, which has become so common practise that people do not feel anything wrong with it and their faces never become red when they do or see it. In reality, the honor no longer has any value.

What is worse is when these types of people; like those who are actresses and singers, become examples and role models for others and for the young generation and when people take from them, their thoughts and ideas and imitate their behavior.

We had thought that we would only see this in the West among the kuffar and not in Muslim countries amongst Muslims, behaving like the animals. Has the jealousy which Allah (SWT) has honored us with left us, has the water of the honor dried and has the flame been extinguished? Do the people consent from the families of those dishonored, what happened to them, who should we address? When unlawful sexual acts have become adverts in newspapers, on bill boards, in the markets, in films and in music concerts. Films are shown today where very exposing forms of clothes are worn and very explicit sexual slogans are used in the titles, this is reflected in the main road, in the market and in the park and not only on the beach. La Howla Wa La Quwata Illa Billah.

That is a big test for any sincere Muslim who is obliged to forbid all this evil and is a big test for any real honorable man and woman and upon their children and sisters; how can they deal with this catastrophe, with live broadcasting and 100's of satellite channels? Where has the shame gone, where has the fitrah been lost, where has the jealousy disappeared?

An honorable woman from the Tabein once saw a jar of alcohol and said ‘ Does a woman drink from that ?' they said yes so she said ‘ They are fornicators by the lord of the Kaabah '

Nowadays we hear a lot of people removing their Khimaar and Jilbab and we hear the media condemning the Hijaab. Western governments have started to forbid the Hijaab in France and to punish those who cover themselves in Holland and fatwa have been passed in London saying; let the women wear wigs and hats instead (like the Jews)!

Fornication and it's introduction and nudism and it's attraction have become the widespread fashion and custom nowadays. This reminds us about what has been reported in Ahmed from Abu Umamah, that a man came to the Messenger Muhammad (saw) and said;

‘O Messenger of Allah (SWT) give me a permit to fornicate.' The people started to criticise and shout at him but the Messenger Muhammad (saw) brought him close and said ‘Do you like it for your mother?' he said ‘No, may Allah (SWT) sacrifice me for your sake' and the Messenger Muhammad (saw) said ‘Nor do the people like it for their mothers'. He (saw) continued to ask the man the same question with regard to his daughter and sister and auntie and the man gave the same response. Finally, the Messenger Muhammad (saw) said ‘O Allah (SWT) forgive his sins, purify his heart protect his aworah' and after that the man never looked at any aworah.

Verily there is a conspiracy against Islam by the enemy on two fronts – upon the aqeedah of Tawheed and secondly upon the family. They start by calling Muslim women to remove the Hijaab and after that for the woman to be equal to men in everything, to have unisex in everything and for the women to go out of their homes, forming policies to let them go out and free mix. We can also see this when they ask single women go out to look for jobs, by replacing income support with job seekers allowance.

In truth, protecting the honor is from the heart of our Islamic aqeedah and culture. There is no way to find a true Muslim or sincere man with fitrah, seeing his wife or sister sitting on the thigh of any foreign man and for him to do nothing about it or for anyone to praise her or bless her or let her go out with any foreign man who is not her mahrem i.e. not her brother or father or son etc...

Therefore the responsibility upon Muslims towards their Deen is to be jealous for the sanctities of Allah (SWT), the way they are jealous for the sanctities of their families and children and to multiply their efforts and join the day with the night, commanding good and forbidding evil, in order to expose the man made system and it's affect and to replace it with the Islamic system. This, to make impact on the radical change which is urgently needed, to restore shyness and purity or at least to protect the remains of it, if indeed there is anything left.

We remind you that the Messenger Muhammad (saw) said

‘ Whenever the faahishah is widespread in society, expect calamity from almighty Allah (SWT) and punishment which will be manifest with hurricanes, earthquakes and various strange diseases '.

Yesterday it was AIDS, then the mad cow, now it's bird flue, not to mention all the hurricanes and earthquakes, what do the people need more than this to wake up? Are you hurrying the hour?

O Muslims, wake up before you reach a time when you cannot wake.

O Muslims establish Allah (SWT)'s Deen before the day of the Deen reaches you.
O Allah (SWT) bear witness that we conveyed the message.

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