Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Know Your Enemy, Don't Be Silent!

We must never forget all the turmoil that the Muslims are plagued with today, such as the presence of imperialistic kuffar who occupy Muslim land, kuffar like the Zionists & Right Wing Christian Extremists who work together against Islam & Muslims, and the Pharaohs of our time constantly plotting against Islam & Muslims and preventing the establishment of Islam as an ideology – the Khilafah. We must constantly keep these issues in our mind and not forget the state of the Muslim Ummah and know exactly who the enemies of Islam & Muslims are.
The building of a Mosque near Ground Zero is an issue that has many supporters as well as many opponents. Despite the initial impression one might receive, neither party are friends of Islam and Muslims, however one is more honest and open with its’ agenda. This group can be categorized as the anti-mosque clique and has been spear headed by Zionist activists to promote Islamophobia. The group is largely   composed of Republicans, Right Wing Christian Extremists, and xenophobe groups like the “Tea-Baggers.” 
On the other hand the supporters of the Ground Zero Mosque are more deceptive in their agenda; they are the consequence of the political agendas of the current Obama administration.
On the outskirt the pro-mosque group may seem like they are the supporters of Islam & Muslims but in reality they are against Islam & Muslims and have an agenda of diluting Islam. The mere existence of the Mosque will be to serve as a government mosque which works for the foreign policies of the Western Warmongers and Crusaders. The aim of the mosque is very simple and clear- to “Americanize Islam,” thereby deviating from Quran and Sunnah of the Prophet (SAW). To put things very bluntly the mosque at Ground Zero will exist to create Muslims who will part take in shirk of Man Made Systems and to become the mouth piece of American imperialism and to serve the enemy of Islam and the Muslim under pretentious circumstances. 
The actions of   Rev. Terry Jones of the Dove World Outreach Center, 5805 NW 37th St ,Gainesville, FL 32653 who has chosen September 11th to be an international burn a Quran day are a reflection of exactly how much hate the Christians and Zionists have towards Islam and its followers. These are very same people who claim to be the pioneers of the, “the freedom of religion;” their hypocrisy is very apparent and as Muslims it should be a wake up call to us further illustrating how despite the fact that Muslims are trying to please the kuffar, they will continue to hate our Deen. It is ironic that America is trying to instill the slogans of democracy and freedom to the people of Iraq and Afghanistan by the means of B-52 bombers and Daisy Cutter Bombs and are trying to force their citizens to follow American values while it cannot even implement them in its own country. This is evidence of the fact that these slogans are mere fallacies and cannot be practiced by its own pioneers.

Today, in 2010 they are burning the Quran which is a book made of paper-what will come next? Does this mark the beginning of the new crusade and attack on Muslims and their ideology-Tawheed-Shariah-socio-economic-politico? Should we prepare our present and future Huffaz (those who memorize the Quran letter by letter) that they will be the next targets and will be executed in the same manner in which the Klu Klax Klan hung the Afro-Americans before the 1960s. Should we mentally prepare ourselves that we are on the brink of another Bosnia and that our mothers, sisters and daughters will be raped in front of our eyes and we will be helpless.

“The People will soon summon one another to attack you as people when eating invite others to share their food.” Someone asked, “Will that be because of our small numbers at that time?” He replied, “No, you will be numerous at that time: but you will be froth and scum like that carried down by a torrent (of water), and Allah will take the fear of you from the breasts (hearts) of your enemy and cast al-wahn into your hearts.” Someone asked, “O Messenger of Allah, what is al-wahn?” He replied, “Love of the world and dislike of death.” [An authentic hadith recorded by Abu Dawud and Ahmad]
﴿وَلَن تَرْضَى عَنكَ الْيَهُودُ وَلاَالنَّصَـرَى حَتَّى تَتَّبِعَ مِلَّتَهُمْ﴾

“Never will the Jews nor the Christians be pleased with till you follow their Deen-Way of Life.”(2:120)
O believers fear Allah (SWT) and don't die except as a Muslim, verily the Muslim Ummah was and will always be in continuous defense against all the plots and plans her enemy plots, such as establishing loop holes between Muslims and opening many fronts against them in order to divide them, exhaust them, weaken their strength and waste their efforts. These plots from the enemies of the Ummah are an almighty tradition, destined and will continue, rather they will never relax or save effort for the sake of achieving their task or objective which they target, for Allah (SWT) says: 


They will continue to fight you, if they can, in order to turn you away from your Deen ' [EMQ 2: 217

This ayah is clear evidence about the continuity of the animosity between truth and falsehood which we experience day and night from different types of people, whose objective is one which Allah (SWT) has specified i.e. for Muslims to become apostates from the Deen. Therefore they adopt different means and tools but the objective will always be fixed i.e. to turn Muslims away from the Deen, if they can.
So it is not strange at all for us to see what we see and hear what we hear from their plots, whether they are short term ones (to be fulfilled in the short term) or long term ones, whenever the opportunity arises for them. You see them hunger and thirst to make their falsehood widespread by any way and means in the wider society in Muslim countries, without to care about the harm or consequences. And how could they care when this is their objective, for Allah (SWT) says: 

You will hear from the people of the book before you and the mushriks much harm.” [EMQ 3: 118]

Verily Muslims have heard much harm and insults in order to cause disunity among them, but this is not strange, rather it is known as Sunnah Maadiyyah, destined from Allah (SWT).

What is really surprising is to find that the enemy is helped by some portion of the Muslims to spread their harm against fellow Muslims, and we don't mean here the practicing Muslims, because they understand the Wala and Bara and are in continuous animosity with the kuffar, but rather we speak about the other majority who have been counted as Muslims. These people are useful tools, used by the kuffar to do their jobs when requested by the kuffar, without to bother about the consequences on their own Deen and on their own Muslim brothers. However, we are not really concerned with these people, but rather those who are quickest to the fitnah and those who are leading the campaign of causing fitnah and who are propagating and spreading rumors. Whoever understands them realizes how much our shield and defense is threatened from inside. However, this is not the first time that we have heard about people like this in our history. Allah (SWT) has informed us about their mocking, he says:

They plot their own plots and Allah (SWT) knows their plots, and even the mountain will be shaken by their plots” [EMQ 14: 46

Al Hakim has reported in the Hadith narrated by Jabir that the Prophet (SAW) said: “The master of the martyrs is Hamza, and whoever is killed speaking truth in the court of a tyrant ruler.”
It has also been narrated that the Prophet (SAW) said: “The best Jihad is the word of truth to an unjust ruler.” Therefore, it is a duty upon the Muslims not to be satisfied with just enjoining Maroof and denying Munkr, but Islam has made it compulsory upon them to remove the Munkr by any of the three methods the Hadith has explained, and it is prohibited for them to stay silent about the Munkr. Muslims should be conscious that in remaining silent about the Munkr, Allah (SWT) may send punishment and torment to prevail upon all of them, besides the torment they experience of being ruled by Kufr, and of being dominated by the agents of the imperialistic Kafireen, and by the Fasikeen (wrong doers) and the Munafiqeen (the hypocrites). Ahmad has narrated about Adas Ibn Umayra, who said: 

I heard the Prophet (SAW) say: Allah will not torture the public because of the bad deeds of a particular people till the public see the Munkr amongst themselves and they are able to deny it but they don't deny it. If they do this, then Allah (SWT) will torture the particular people who have been doing wrong and the public as well.”

All these evidences lead us to the conclusion that it is fard (compulsory):
1) To call individuals or the society to Islam where ever you may be i.e. the Creed (Tawheed- Aqeedah) and the systems-way of life (Shari’ah).
2)  To command individuals or the society where ever you are to do what Allah (SWT) orders us to do. One of the biggest Maroof (which is miss ing in the society) is to work for the Domination of Islam through establishing the Islamic Author ity (Khilafah).

3) To command individuals or the society where ever you are to refrain from doing evils. One of the biggest evil is the Man-Made-Law or any law which is not derived from the Quran and the Sunnah.

Therefore,  we must work to change our surrounding (society) through an intellectual and a political struggle wherever we may be whether in a Muslim land or a non-Muslim land. 

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