Unity But No Unity???
In the month of Ramadhan,Eid-ul-fitr or even Eid-ul-Adha we notice that we Muslims in the different places in the world begin to fast or celebrate Eid on different days and finish on different days-some will Celebrate EID on Wednesday Oct. 1st, some will do it on Thursday Oct.2nd (A Brother from Yeman said that people in Yeman are going to Celebrate Eid on Sept. 30th- 3 days before they have decided-which contradicts with Sunnah of the Prophet(saw))
These differences show that there is something missing and that there most definitely is a PROBLEM when we Muslims cannot agree on when to start fasting or celebrate Eid on ONE universal day worldwide as Muslim Ummah.Though we repeatedly claim that we are all Muslim,ONE UMMAH, with one Aqeedah-Tawheed and are ONE BROTHERHOOD,why are there then these differences existing amongst us in different parts of the world?
Allah(Swt) says in the Qur'an,"Indeed the believers but a single brotherhood"(49:10)
The Prophet(saw) said,”The Muslim Ummah is one Ummah exclusively to others: Their Land is One, their War is One, their Peace is One, their Trust is One and their Honor is one.”(Ahmed)
The moon can be sighted by all people and consequently the beginning and end of the months can be known by all. And the Messenger of Allah (saw) taught us how to know when the month begins and when it ends. He also taught us what to do in case we don’t see the moon. Bukhari narrates that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said, "Do not fast until you see the moon, and do not break fast until you see it." In another narration, the Messenger of Allah (saw) said, " if you see it (moon) fast and if you see it break fast (and the moon). But, if it can’t be seen, then calculate for it." In another narration, the Messenger of Allah (saw) said, "The month is twenty nine nights. Thus, do not fast until you see it. But, if it is not visible, then complete the month thirty days."
In addition, Ad-Dar Qutni and Abu Daul narrated (sahih hadith) that Ibn Umar said that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said, People were trying to sight the moon, and I told the Messenger of Allah (saw) that I saw it. So he started fasting and ordered the people to start fasting."
In addition, Ad-Dar Qutni and Abu Daul narrated (sahih hadith) that Ibn Umar said that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said, People were trying to sight the moon, and I told the Messenger of Allah (saw) that I saw it. So he started fasting and ordered the people to start fasting."
This hadith tells us that one person sighting the moon is sufficient to start fasting the month of Ramadan.
So from this incident we draw conclusion that the correct opinion is that one sighting is sufficient for all Muslims to fast and break fast(Eid). This is regardless to where the sighting of the moon occurred and it becomes binding on all Muslims to follow. This is due to the honorable hadith.
" Fast for seeing it, and break for seeing it. "The phrase " for seeing it " is general for any sighting in any region.
And Allah is the most knowing. While we are busy in preparation of celebrating Eid in few days just spare a thought for the Muslims worldwide who are suffering by the Zionists and Crusaders-the genocide of Muslims in Bosnia,Palestine, Kashmir, Gujraat(india), Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Pakistan and Iraq.The deprived,orphaned children in Afghanistan and Iraq,the Muslims sisters raped and tortured in Kashmir, Gujrat, Iraq and Bosnia,the sisters being denied basic rights to an education in Tajkistan,Turkey, Denmark, Germany, Italy and France because of their Islamic clothing(Hijab+Niqab and Jilbab),the list is endless yet the solution to the problems is no nearer.Allah(azza wa jall) said,
“The kuffar (disbelievers) spend their wealth to hinder (man) from the path of Allah, and so will they continue to spend..." [TMQ 8:36]
The Prophet(saw) said,"One drop of a Muslim blood is worth more than the Ka'bah and it's surroundings"(Bukhari and Muslim).
So why do we Muslims lack a basic bond of unity amongst ourselves when our Tuwheed(Aqeedah) our binding force is soo strong? Our Muslim Land and the regimes are controlled by the Western world and are there to serve anything but the needs of the Muslims.The rulers are being played in the hands of the enemies of Islam and Muslims and rule by what benefits them not what the Qur'an and the Sunnah say.Indeed the situation that we are in today where we are over 58 divided countries, divided by artificial borders imposed on us by those who destroyed our Islamic State-Khilafah in 1924 is one of dismay.
The situation today is completely unacceptable,and we are obliged as an Islamic Ummah to regain our authority from these rulers and establish again an Islamic leadership which would implement Shar'iah laws through the Khilafah.
We would like to take this opportunity to remind you of your duty towards Allah(swt) .The Prophet(saw) said,
"The knots of Islam will be broken one after the other,the first knot to be broken is the knot of ruling,the last is the knot of prayer."(Muslim).
The knot of ruling was broken in 1924 by the destruction of the Khilafah,now it seems the knot of salah is also in danger and also the celebration of Eid-what else is left?
O Muslims let us be part of the unifies body of the Muslim Ummah,we cannot be divorced from each other and we should not give any group(pseudo-Islamic groups, the Thalafi, the Seculars, the Apologitic, the Progressive, the Moderates those who sucking up to the Kufaar like DOGS) or individual(Scholars for Dollar$) the chance to disassociate ourselves from the rest of the global Ummah.
Let us work on implementing the Tawheed(Aqeedah) and Shar'iah of Islam which is Khilafah and join in the celebration of Eid together as One united, strong ,fearless Ummah of Muhammad(saw).
The Khilafah is mandated as the tool to bring Islam to all human beings. Islam through the Khilafah, is the only doctrine(Aqeedah and Tawheed) that will bring Liberation, Peace and tranquillity to human beings.
The knot of ruling was broken in 1924 by the destruction of the Khilafah,now it seems the knot of salah is also in danger and also the celebration of Eid-what else is left?
O Muslims let us be part of the unifies body of the Muslim Ummah,we cannot be divorced from each other and we should not give any group(pseudo-Islamic groups, the Thalafi, the Seculars, the Apologitic, the Progressive, the Moderates those who sucking up to the Kufaar like DOGS) or individual(Scholars for Dollar$) the chance to disassociate ourselves from the rest of the global Ummah.
Let us work on implementing the Tawheed(Aqeedah) and Shar'iah of Islam which is Khilafah and join in the celebration of Eid together as One united, strong ,fearless Ummah of Muhammad(saw).
The Khilafah is mandated as the tool to bring Islam to all human beings. Islam through the Khilafah, is the only doctrine(Aqeedah and Tawheed) that will bring Liberation, Peace and tranquillity to human beings.
"O you who believe answer the call of Allah(swt) and His Messenger to that which gives you life."(8:24)
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