The Haq must reject the Batil in order to be called the haq, just like a person cannot be a Mu’min until they negate Kufr (disbelief), or claim they practice the Sunnah (prophetic tradition) until they negate the bid’ah, or claim, to be commanding Maruf (good) without also forbidding the Munkar (evil).
The Muslim rejects and hates for the sake of Allah (swt). Allah (swt) always informs us about the Tamhees (test). Testing and sifting the believers from the Kafiroon and the kabaith.
There will always a conspiracy by the kuffar against Islam and the Muslims. Like the current Global Crusade against Islam and the Muslims. The Muslims are not weak because they lack numbers or because they are waiting for any further Wahie (revelation) to be revealed, but it is due to their lack of commitment. There is no sacrifice from the Muslims today, whilst they the Kuffar want to remove the Noor and the guidance of Allah (swt). “They intend to extinguish the Noor of Allah (swt) with their mouths, But Allah will bring his light to perfection even though the Kafiroon hate it” [EMQ 9:32].
Whatever Allah (swt) decreed is going to be fulfilled; like victory and sovereignty for the believers. Always you will find at the end of the fight, Islam and the Muslims are victorious. The kuffar may win a battle here and we win one over there. Like Badr was for us and Uhud was for them. The victory is in the end is for the believers. “When there comes the help of Allah and the conquest” [EMQ 110: 1]
The enemies of Islam tried to destroy the Deen in the time of the Messenger (saw). In our time the kuffar are taking longer to destroy us, we need to ask why? “They will continue to fight you until they divert you from your Deen” [EMQ 2:217] this is the Shahadah (testimony) of Allah (swt). Allah further says “the Jews and the Christians will never be pleased with you until you follow their own Deen” [EMQ 2:120] their own policy to turn you into an apostate.
There will always a conspiracy by the kuffar against Islam and the Muslims. Like the current Global Crusade against Islam and the Muslims. The Muslims are not weak because they lack numbers or because they are waiting for any further Wahie (revelation) to be revealed, but it is due to their lack of commitment. There is no sacrifice from the Muslims today, whilst they the Kuffar want to remove the Noor and the guidance of Allah (swt). “They intend to extinguish the Noor of Allah (swt) with their mouths, But Allah will bring his light to perfection even though the Kafiroon hate it” [EMQ 9:32].
Whatever Allah (swt) decreed is going to be fulfilled; like victory and sovereignty for the believers. Always you will find at the end of the fight, Islam and the Muslims are victorious. The kuffar may win a battle here and we win one over there. Like Badr was for us and Uhud was for them. The victory is in the end is for the believers. “When there comes the help of Allah and the conquest” [EMQ 110: 1]
The enemies of Islam tried to destroy the Deen in the time of the Messenger (saw). In our time the kuffar are taking longer to destroy us, we need to ask why? “They will continue to fight you until they divert you from your Deen” [EMQ 2:217] this is the Shahadah (testimony) of Allah (swt). Allah further says “the Jews and the Christians will never be pleased with you until you follow their own Deen” [EMQ 2:120] their own policy to turn you into an apostate.
In the Battle of Mutah 3,000 Muslims fought 200,000 Kuffar. The numbers were not the issue because still Allah (swt) made the Muslims victorious. Even today if we are steadfast a few of us could defeat the many, for e.g. look to how the Mujahideen got rid of the Soviets from Afghanistan.
If we go back 1,400 yrs to the Battles of Tabuk and Mutah there are many lessons for us to learn.
In the year 9 Hijrah there was a huge gathering of Kuffar outside the Islamic State. There was also the gathering of Munafiqeen inside the state. Like we have Munafiqeen today, those who say “the Jews and the Christians are our brothers” even denying ayah “the Jews and the Christians will never be pleased with you until you follow their own Deen” [EMQ 2:120] yet Allah (swt) says they the Jews and the Christians will never stop, they will continue until you become apostate. We cannot therefore take what the Maulana’s say. There is no justification to doubt Allah (swt) that is Takzeeb (lying on) Allah (swt).
If we go back 1,400 yrs to the Battles of Tabuk and Mutah there are many lessons for us to learn.
In the year 9 Hijrah there was a huge gathering of Kuffar outside the Islamic State. There was also the gathering of Munafiqeen inside the state. Like we have Munafiqeen today, those who say “the Jews and the Christians are our brothers” even denying ayah “the Jews and the Christians will never be pleased with you until you follow their own Deen” [EMQ 2:120] yet Allah (swt) says they the Jews and the Christians will never stop, they will continue until you become apostate. We cannot therefore take what the Maulana’s say. There is no justification to doubt Allah (swt) that is Takzeeb (lying on) Allah (swt).
The Battle of Tabuk
The Kuffar after being defeated in the Battle of Mutah planned to attack the Islamic state. The victory at Mutah gave the Muslim Izzah (dignity), when the Muslims were coming back; they were saying “we were like a mountain above a mountain”. The Ummah went from victories like this to conquer the very strong hold of the European nations until the adhan could be heard there. Fighting group after group, to become the leading Ummah, unlike today we are a following Ummah and even then with humiliation.
The Messenger (saw) called all the Muslims “Haya alal jihad” “O Muslim come to jihad”. 30,000 Mujahideen responded to the call. Only 7 Muslims couldn’t respond but had valid reasons. The Munafiqeen came to the Messenger (saw) with their excuses, Allah (swt) says of them “Grant me leave and put me not on trial/fitnah surely they have fallen in fitnah.” [EMQ 9:49] by not going to jihad they failed the test and fell into fitnah, even though they had all the means; wealth, health, etc. Amongst the Muslims those that could not go genuinely because they had no means Allah (swt) says about them “they turned back, while their eyes overflowing with tears of grief that they could not find anything to spend (for jihad)” [EMQ 9:92]
The Messenger (saw) heard the Romans were coming, so he went out to meet them before they entered the land. This is Prophetic advice for us, i.e. to hit the kuffar before they come, don’t let them come to the area. The Messenger (saw) put Ali ibn Abi Talib (ra) in charge of Ahlul bait, and then set off for Tabuk taking with him 30,000 strong fighters.
The Messenger (saw) called all the Muslims “Haya alal jihad” “O Muslim come to jihad”. 30,000 Mujahideen responded to the call. Only 7 Muslims couldn’t respond but had valid reasons. The Munafiqeen came to the Messenger (saw) with their excuses, Allah (swt) says of them “Grant me leave and put me not on trial/fitnah surely they have fallen in fitnah.” [EMQ 9:49] by not going to jihad they failed the test and fell into fitnah, even though they had all the means; wealth, health, etc. Amongst the Muslims those that could not go genuinely because they had no means Allah (swt) says about them “they turned back, while their eyes overflowing with tears of grief that they could not find anything to spend (for jihad)” [EMQ 9:92]
The Messenger (saw) heard the Romans were coming, so he went out to meet them before they entered the land. This is Prophetic advice for us, i.e. to hit the kuffar before they come, don’t let them come to the area. The Messenger (saw) put Ali ibn Abi Talib (ra) in charge of Ahlul bait, and then set off for Tabuk taking with him 30,000 strong fighters.
The Munafiqeen still came to the Messenger (saw) and said they wanted to go, whilst all the time mocking and jesting.
The division of hams (mocking) and lams (sarcastic) Munafiqeen.
1. Some said the Romans out number you.
2. Some said we are single men and we can’t control ourselves, blond women are our weakness.
3. Some said they couldn’t fight in the hot weather.
“Say the Fire of the Hell is more intense” [EMQ 9:81] they want to play fitnah.
Messenger (saw) heard some of the Munafiqeen were making a conspiracy. They were gathering in one house to prevent other people from going to Tabuk. The Messenger (saw) sent Talha bin Ubaidullah (ra) to deal with them. Talha (ra) went there with some people, surrounded the house of the Munafiqeen with fire and hit them left, right and centre as they came out he hit them. The Munafiqeen ran like coward, we don’t don't use the expression “like women”, women are brave in Islam. The first shaheed (martyr) was Umm Ammar. She was stronger than Ammar as she was willing to die for Islam and she did.
The Messenger (saw) moved his army and on the way met Diyar al-Thamud. The people of Thamud, they were destroyed because they were oppressors. Allah (swt) sent them his punishment, their trees were burnt, their houses turned upside down, until only the ruins remained, their well has no water, only sand and rock. The Messenger (saw) covered his face and cried and said to army “Do not enter upon those Allah (swt) punished, unless crying, if you cannot cry don’t pass near-by” this is Sunnah Muakkadah of the Messenger (saw). The Messenger Muhammad (saw) said “You may get what these people got.”
This is what Allah (swt) informed us about regarding Thamud. What about to sit with the oppressors today, and to be their own ministers? How can you help the Zalim (oppressive) ruler, who is a Kafir murtad, how can some one be their own bitanahs (advisors) how! The relaxation of the Muslim goes beyond the limit. Allah (swt) says “Shirk is great Zulm” [EMQ 31:13] and Allah (swt) also says “Incline not towards those who do Zulm lest the fire should touch you” [EMQ 11:113]
This expedition was one of great difficulty; even the Messenger (saw) tiredness reached the highest level, to the point he even slept on own horses. The Messenger (saw) almost fell down a few times whilst in this state. It is reported in Sahih Muslim. He (saw) lay down on one side of his ride. Abu Qatadah (ra) came near to him and held him and made him settled on his ride again. This happened again and he Abu Qatadah held back the Messenger (saw) from falling and on another occasion he did the same. The Messenger (saw) then woke and said “who’s that”. Abu Qatadah replied “it is me, Abu Qatadah” the Messenger (saw) then said “may Allah (swt) protect you like the way you protected the Messenger of Allah (swt)”. After that it is reported that Abu Qatadah was protected throughout the rest of his life and his family too. The one who does the good deed will always get the reward.
The division of hams (mocking) and lams (sarcastic) Munafiqeen.
1. Some said the Romans out number you.
2. Some said we are single men and we can’t control ourselves, blond women are our weakness.
3. Some said they couldn’t fight in the hot weather.
“Say the Fire of the Hell is more intense” [EMQ 9:81] they want to play fitnah.
Messenger (saw) heard some of the Munafiqeen were making a conspiracy. They were gathering in one house to prevent other people from going to Tabuk. The Messenger (saw) sent Talha bin Ubaidullah (ra) to deal with them. Talha (ra) went there with some people, surrounded the house of the Munafiqeen with fire and hit them left, right and centre as they came out he hit them. The Munafiqeen ran like coward, we don’t don't use the expression “like women”, women are brave in Islam. The first shaheed (martyr) was Umm Ammar. She was stronger than Ammar as she was willing to die for Islam and she did.
The Messenger (saw) moved his army and on the way met Diyar al-Thamud. The people of Thamud, they were destroyed because they were oppressors. Allah (swt) sent them his punishment, their trees were burnt, their houses turned upside down, until only the ruins remained, their well has no water, only sand and rock. The Messenger (saw) covered his face and cried and said to army “Do not enter upon those Allah (swt) punished, unless crying, if you cannot cry don’t pass near-by” this is Sunnah Muakkadah of the Messenger (saw). The Messenger Muhammad (saw) said “You may get what these people got.”
This is what Allah (swt) informed us about regarding Thamud. What about to sit with the oppressors today, and to be their own ministers? How can you help the Zalim (oppressive) ruler, who is a Kafir murtad, how can some one be their own bitanahs (advisors) how! The relaxation of the Muslim goes beyond the limit. Allah (swt) says “Shirk is great Zulm” [EMQ 31:13] and Allah (swt) also says “Incline not towards those who do Zulm lest the fire should touch you” [EMQ 11:113]
This expedition was one of great difficulty; even the Messenger (saw) tiredness reached the highest level, to the point he even slept on own horses. The Messenger (saw) almost fell down a few times whilst in this state. It is reported in Sahih Muslim. He (saw) lay down on one side of his ride. Abu Qatadah (ra) came near to him and held him and made him settled on his ride again. This happened again and he Abu Qatadah held back the Messenger (saw) from falling and on another occasion he did the same. The Messenger (saw) then woke and said “who’s that”. Abu Qatadah replied “it is me, Abu Qatadah” the Messenger (saw) then said “may Allah (swt) protect you like the way you protected the Messenger of Allah (swt)”. After that it is reported that Abu Qatadah was protected throughout the rest of his life and his family too. The one who does the good deed will always get the reward.
The Romans heard the Muslims were coming. The Messenger (saw) kept sending the message out to the Roman army that he was coming and pledge to kill them all. This terrified the Romans who said “who is this that is coming, who can be so strong to come out of the desert.” During the Caliphate of Umar (ra) the Sahabahs (ra) asked Madad to send 4,000 men. Umar (ra) only sent 4 men saying each man is equivalent to a 1,000. Indeed the 4 men went there assessed the situation, divided resources and conquered Jerusalem.
When Messenger (saw) reach Tabuk the Romans were so terrified. The first messenger sent to the Romans said “you should stop fighting and pay the jiziyah, and submit or you will all be killed” this was disastrous to the ears of the Romans. Allah (swt) says “they put their own plot, I put my plot”
The Messenger (saw) then sent to the Romans, Khalid bin Waleed (ra) with 400 soldiers to cause havoc. Khalid (ra) met Okida the King of Dawmanu Jandal. Khalid (ra) surprised him. The Messenger (saw) had told Khalid to catch the king when he goes hunting. Khalid (ra) took King Okida, who was terrified, and then tied him up and took all his clothes and gold. The USA took Saddam and said “we got him” But their plan back fired. Instead of making the people hate Saddam they started to sympathise with him. They showed a broken man no money their plan back fired, the US only want to score cheap points before the elections. The Sahabahs (ra) when they saw the gold sent back by Khalid (ra) said “that is Ajeeb (amazing)” the Messenger (saw) said “this is this strange? By my lord the handkerchief of Saad in Jannah is better than that”. Khalid (ra) said to the king “I can save your life as long as you pay a large amount in jiziyah” the king agreed and was then released. Okida later betrayed this treaty in time of Abu Bakr As-Siddique (ra). Khalid the captured Okida and killed him. The second time Okida was captured in the battle. Khalid captured him and said “I wanted to do that in time of Messenger (saw) but I left it for the sake of Allah (swt)” The battle of Tabuk paved the way for the army of Usama (ra). Days after days Allah (swt) honours this Ummah with another Usama. George W Bush always mention name of Usama, it’s become such a phenomena.
The Battle of Tabuk gave us many lessons. The Messenger (saw) almost fell down because of hunger. The Romans were defeated even though they had all the artilleries and some say 350,000 men in their army. One lion in amongst a thousand hyenas will terrify them all.
Messenger (saw) returned back after this victory. All the Jews & Christians heard how Romans ran away from the Muslims. “Terrify the enemy of Allah (swt)” [EMQ 8:60] The Messenger (saw) prepared the Sahabah (ra) and said “Cry other wise don’t pass the area of Tahmud”
When Messenger (saw) reach Tabuk the Romans were so terrified. The first messenger sent to the Romans said “you should stop fighting and pay the jiziyah, and submit or you will all be killed” this was disastrous to the ears of the Romans. Allah (swt) says “they put their own plot, I put my plot”
The Messenger (saw) then sent to the Romans, Khalid bin Waleed (ra) with 400 soldiers to cause havoc. Khalid (ra) met Okida the King of Dawmanu Jandal. Khalid (ra) surprised him. The Messenger (saw) had told Khalid to catch the king when he goes hunting. Khalid (ra) took King Okida, who was terrified, and then tied him up and took all his clothes and gold. The USA took Saddam and said “we got him” But their plan back fired. Instead of making the people hate Saddam they started to sympathise with him. They showed a broken man no money their plan back fired, the US only want to score cheap points before the elections. The Sahabahs (ra) when they saw the gold sent back by Khalid (ra) said “that is Ajeeb (amazing)” the Messenger (saw) said “this is this strange? By my lord the handkerchief of Saad in Jannah is better than that”. Khalid (ra) said to the king “I can save your life as long as you pay a large amount in jiziyah” the king agreed and was then released. Okida later betrayed this treaty in time of Abu Bakr As-Siddique (ra). Khalid the captured Okida and killed him. The second time Okida was captured in the battle. Khalid captured him and said “I wanted to do that in time of Messenger (saw) but I left it for the sake of Allah (swt)” The battle of Tabuk paved the way for the army of Usama (ra). Days after days Allah (swt) honours this Ummah with another Usama. George W Bush always mention name of Usama, it’s become such a phenomena.
The Battle of Tabuk gave us many lessons. The Messenger (saw) almost fell down because of hunger. The Romans were defeated even though they had all the artilleries and some say 350,000 men in their army. One lion in amongst a thousand hyenas will terrify them all.
Messenger (saw) returned back after this victory. All the Jews & Christians heard how Romans ran away from the Muslims. “Terrify the enemy of Allah (swt)” [EMQ 8:60] The Messenger (saw) prepared the Sahabah (ra) and said “Cry other wise don’t pass the area of Tahmud”
Messenger (saw) said to the Sahabah (ra) “by Allah (swt) those in Madinah, whenever you travel in jihad they were with you all the time”. Khalid (ra) said “O Rasulallah if they with us, then why are they in Madinah”. The Messenger (saw) said “yes, but they were still with and will you get same reward but they had no means to reach you” even by increasing the numbers, by praising, by creating public awareness, to terrify the enemies of Allah you will give you reward. Those Muslims who stayed back in Madinah used to terrify the Munafiqeen and the kuffar. The only good news we hear today is news brought to us by the Mujahideen. The Taliban are still fighting. Sheikh Usama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda still on the increase, USA aware of this, the only ones defeated are the Munafiqeen. Allah (swt) says “Verily Allah will support the one who helps his Deen”
If a person is knowledgeable but does not know how to use the ilm; it is of no good, hence why Allah (swt) says “Al-Azizul Hakim”
Umar (ra) said “We are people that Allah dignified by Islam, any time we seek dignity by other than Islam, Allah will humiliate us”
“Nahnu Qawmun Azzanallahu bil Islam, Fama bi taghayna laizzata min dunihi azallan Allah”
The Messenger Muhammad (saw) said “I am the prophet of Malahim; slaughter and fighting” and “Fighting will continue till the Day of Judgement, and will not stop because some one unjust or just”
Allah (swt) says “Those Munafiq if they come out will not do anything but complain” and “they will put between you fitnah, don’t take them with you”.
If a person is knowledgeable but does not know how to use the ilm; it is of no good, hence why Allah (swt) says “Al-Azizul Hakim”
Umar (ra) said “We are people that Allah dignified by Islam, any time we seek dignity by other than Islam, Allah will humiliate us”
“Nahnu Qawmun Azzanallahu bil Islam, Fama bi taghayna laizzata min dunihi azallan Allah”
The Messenger Muhammad (saw) said “I am the prophet of Malahim; slaughter and fighting” and “Fighting will continue till the Day of Judgement, and will not stop because some one unjust or just”
Allah (swt) says “Those Munafiq if they come out will not do anything but complain” and “they will put between you fitnah, don’t take them with you”.
The Conspiracy to kill Messenger (saw) by the hypocrites was always there, even on the way back from Tabuk. Abu Qatadah was there to protect him. There was a group of hypocrites ready to kill the Messenger (saw), they said let us kill him (saw). Twelve of them gathered and conspired to hit the Messenger’s mule, near the valley, so that he would fall down and be killed. Hudaifah bin Yaman and Abu Qatadah saw that the Messenger (saw) was close to edge. Hudaifa went and held the reins of the Messenger’s mule. The hypocrites went to make noise and unsettle the mule, the Messenger (saw) saw them and said “I’m coming to slaughter you”.
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